15 March 2013

The Big Day Has Arrived! Firefly Book Blog Tour Begins!

So much swag! So much amazingness! 

So, it works like this. From March 15th - April 5th you have the chance to win the most super awesome prizes ever via Roflcopter. There will also be surprises, a scavenger hunt, a live Twitter session where fans pick and watch a movie with us, and the new Cicada book cover will be revealed! So many exciting things!

What you should do:

4. Make sure to enter the ROFLCOPTERS below and keep coming back every day to increase your chances of winning!

And, as an extra, super special way to begin the tour I'm posting an exclusive first look at an excerpt of Firefly (oh my!!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. All this swag is great, but I would've been happy with just the Firefly book. That excerpt has made me want it.
