20 March 2013

LB's Surprise Birthday Bash!

Hey all! Well, it's that time of the year again... my birthday! :O This year, I'm 24! Since I've been mercilessly teasing all of you about super secret surprise giveaways on my birthday... I thought I'd finally announce it! YUS! It's time!

  Surprise Giveaway 1: FREE* book cover design by me

  • Stock photography must either be provided or credits paid for
  • You get a large, hi-res print-quality book cover design 
  • I will work closely with you to design exactly what you're looking for
This is a pretty good deal, since most cover designs can be pretty pricey! You can enter to win this, then "cash it in" whenever you need a cover designed or I can redesign an old one for you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Surprise Giveaway 2: Spotlight on Books & Broomsticks

  • A blog post interviewing and promoting either your book OR blog
  • 2 months free advertising in my sidebar 
  • 2 months free plugs for any giveaways or special events you have (on blog, fb page, and twitter)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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